Burlington Vermont is STILL grooming kids. They're just doing it in person this time.
And refusing to allow people to film it.
The Burlington Project is a focused effort to track the most woke school district in America to observe what happens. If you’re looking for more generalized unwoke content, head over here to Actively Unwoke.
As they say, SJWs always double down.
Burlington Vermont is up to their old tricks and are continuing to groom kids...but this time they're doing it in live panels in person and refusing to allow people to film it.
You can find the slidedecks from their latest presentations on their district equity website (you can also download the files below, just in case they accidentally delete them)
Also, they have a live presentation coming up on March 8. If you are in the Burlington Vermont area and can attend this presentation live, please get in touch with me at activelyunwoke @ gmail.com
I'll show you what the Burlington Vermont schools have been up to live today at 5pm eastern in a live Schools Exposed investigation stream:
You can also watch on these platforms:
She's a groomer, he's a groomer wouldn't you like to be a groomer too! Dr Groomer, drink the Kool-aid too!
A little 80's call back for those of you to young to recognize the tune which is from a Dr Pepper commercial. While the callback is funny what these schools are doing isn't so help Karlyn Borysenko help all of us put an end to this celebration of madness and support https://www.activelyunwoke.com/
With Vermont and Hew Hampshire being neighbors, almost a mirror of each other in terms of the states borders it's amazing to see the contrast in it's citizens beliefs. New Hampshire is the wokiest of woke while New Hampshire is so pro-constitutional that there's been a very large effort to secede form teh US because the people in NH are so sick and tried of teh Woke Authoritarian Left and what it and the Democrat party are doing to the US. While that effort to divorce from teh US has failed so fair the support for it keeps growing and of all the states that make up eth US NH is probably the closest to passing some king of secession legislation.